Thursday, November 27, 2014

Replay Digest No.2

What can go wrong, will go wrong, right? Sure enough. It has been quite an adventure getting off the ground with this replay. I have had trouble finding a groove. I need to find a consistent play space. But find my myself moving around too much. I recently purchased Strat-O-Matic and the 1908 season for my stat tracking. I was going to re-enter the data for the 20 or so games I have already rolled, but as I was entering I was bored out of my mind, and couldn't jump forward in the schedule to get rolling. So I'm restarting, whose to complain since rolling is what I love, and this is a long project. I was looking forward to the long weekend and the many games to roll, get some games accumulated, some stats, and sit back in revel in the beauty of my project. 

On Monday my son was sick, and we found out we had some serious plumbing issues that were causing hazardous gas to enter the house. WithStrat as my stat tracker, I'm restricted to my desktop. Normally this would be nice, but with theplumbing issues which has kept me away from home over the holidays my hands are tied. So I had to take my Apba on the road. Guess what? That means I can't roll games that are related to my season since I can't track stats without the dilmea of re-entry. So I'm at a cross roads. I spent the money on Strat, but hate the restriction. I would roll games related to my season, but would have to endure the entry that I dread. So once the I get the plumbing fixed I can return home, but that comes with a prices of chores left undone. So my Thanksgivng roll-a-thon is practically shot. However, the best thing about being a teacher is the 2 week Christmas break.

This brings me to a major question. Which is better? Paper or electronic entry? I spend a lot of time reading The Sporting Life rebuilding lineups I want to do manual entry but don't have the time nor the patience to tally up stats. Iscore is nice but not for keeping detailed stats. This is certainly a case of "you can't have your cake and eat it too."  

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